Life has Rules! A Successful Recovery Does Also!
- The #1 rule, you must stay 100% clean and sober. This means, no alcohol, no drugs, no prescription drugs unless prescribed to you. We must be notified of any prescriptions you have the day you receive them to be in compliance of the rules.
Do not give or take medication from anyone. We do not have to prove that you are using, have used or have broke these rules. If we believe that you have broken these rules, you will be asked to vacate the property immediately.
- You must pay your rent in a timely manner. Rent will be prorated to Fridays after you have found employment. Rent will not be carried more than four days unless arrangements have been made. WE WILL NOT CHASE YOU DOWN FOR YOUR RENT.
- You must let us know who you are with and where you are if you do not sleep in your own bed each night. There will be no exceptions made for anyone as long as you stay with us. You must have lived at the 180 House 30 day to have overnight privileges.
- Do not tear up our place. If you spill something – clean it up! No holes, burns or anything! Please report all accidents. Do not attach anything to our walls, shelves, pictures, racks with nails, screw, or anything. The Rules allow you to use a maximum of 3 thumb tacks in your room per person.
- If you have completed your Serenity House, you must attend a Tuesday or Thursday night outpatient classes for the first 60 days of your stay at the 180 House. You must go to the Serenity House and sign up for outpatient classes.
If you are from a different treatment center, you are welcome to sign up for out-patient treatment at the Serenity House. You must attend 60 meetings in the first 60 days of your stay here at the 180 House. If you are not working, you must attend 2 meeting per day for 60 days. One of them must be a noon meeting.
- Curfew for all residence is as follow. Monday -Thursday curfew is 12:30 am. Friday – Sunday curfew is 1:00 am. Please let us know beforehand if you cannot make curfew.
- HONOR POLICY! - You have the responsibility of letting a staff member know if you suspect or have facts of someone living in this house is using or has use. We consider you a part of the problem if you are not willing to take responsibility of keeping you own house clean.
You will also be removed if you have knowledge of the using person and do not let us know IMMEDIATELY. You CANNOT ASSOCIATE with anyone who has less than 30 days clean outside of a 12 step meeting.